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Project One


may 2018 - june 2018
Artist Statement
My piece is a topographic map of the Torrey Pines State Beach Reserve embroidered and hung in the embroidery hoop. Growing up less than five miles from Torrey Pines, the Pacific Beach has always been a big part of my life. Every Saturday morning, my mom makes it a point to wake me up at six a.m. to go for a run on the beach. And every Saturday, I grudgingly drag myself out of bed and into the car. But as soon as I step foot on the beach, it is worth every minute of sleep I traded in. However, the reality of climate change means that with every visit, the ocean swallows more and more of the beach. This is what inspired me to create my embroidered topographic map. In my piece, the two main roads near Torrey Pines Beach, Torrey Pines Road and the interstate five highway, run through the middle of the canvas in metallic red thread. In between the two roads are the contour lines depicted in warm, earthy colors. On either side of the roads are the blue and greens pushing in, trying to devour the land. Just like how our individual actions everyday affect the climate and planet that we live on, each stitch that went into making this piece seemed small, but accumulated after time to make a difference.
Scholastic Art and Writing: Gold Key
Groff Design Award - A county wide competition

Project Two

Spirit Skies

august 2018 - june 2020
Graphic Novel
Project Overview
Spirit Skies is a student illustrated graphic novel about the importance of environmental stewardship. After five years and dozens of artists and writers working on it, we are finally in the process of publishing with Reflections Publishing, a San Diego based publishing company. In addition to creating the first volume, we are helping our sister school in Panama illustrate the second installment of the series.
My Contributions
I worked on this project for three years and in my final year I was the Art Lead. Under my direction, we were able to wrap up revisions to the first volume and start the publishing process. With this project I have spoken at Comic Con International, Mega Arts, and various other conferences about the educational aspect to graphic novels.

To learn more visit: spiritskies.org

Project Three


august 2018 - june 2020
Project Mission
Outliers is a student-run arts and culture magazine that documents inspiring stories and achievements in the CCA community. Outliers Magazine has been Canyon Crest Academy's record for student achievement and innovation -- encompassing athletic prowess, academic excellence, artistic talent, and everything in between. By showcasing our peers on our platform, Outliers strives to bring attention to outstanding achievements, personalize extraordinary individuals, and inspire readers to make a difference in their own lives and communities.
My Contributions
As the founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine, I oversee fundraisers and grants for publication, organize teams of photographers, writers, and designers, and edit and critique all final designs and writing for the magazine. Through being President, I have learned to communicate effectively and manage deadlines to produce tangible outcomes.

see more at: https://ccaoutliers.wixsite.com/home/about